With the correct growing environment inside your greenhouse, the growing season is all year round. However, with some helpful accessories such as heating, propagators and grow lights you can enhance and extend your growing season even more. New seedlings can be sown and germinated in a heated propagator, protected form colder elements. Whilst already sprouting greens such as winter greens can be hardened off in cold frames.
Rocket, winter salad, peas, radishes and spinach are amongst those that are brilliant varieties to grow and add a diversity to your meals. They are also more cost effective to grow and yield rather than sourcing them from a local supermarket.
Fragrant herbs might also make and appearance in your greenhouse. Parsley, thyme, chives and mint are full of flavour, ready to be picked and incorporated into your cooking.
Depending on what you are growing, you might benefit from having some internal benching. Strawberry boards are great for those smaller plants that need more light. Wider traditional benching provides more space for pots and can even accommodate a propagator or potting shoe, keeping your greenhouse organised.
One of the greatest feelings for any gardener is stepping inside the greenhouse and getting your hands stuck into fresh soil – discover more about our traditional greenhouses and how you can begin your project.